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Maximum-Impact Barbell Training


Maximum-Impact Barbell Training
San Jose, CA, United States
July 21 - 22, 2012

How to Leverage Your Time Under the Bar—
So You Train Only and Exactly What Works to
Get More Wins on Game-Day

A Workshop with Master RKC Jeff O’Connor
and Chief RKC Instructor Pavel Tsatsouline
For RKCs Only

Maximum-Impact Barbell Training
At the Spartan Stadium’s Koret Training Center
San Jose, California • July 21-22, 2012

Workshop Code # WOP01
Register on-line or call 1-651-487-2180 for credit card orders.

The Barbell Advantage
for Optimal Strength and Conditioning


Could much of your current barbell training be hurting or hindering your on-field performance—more than helping it?

Could you be using outmoded, ineffective or misapplied methods—that don’t truly translate into better results on game-day?

Do you know for sure what lifting techniques have the greatest carryover for yourself or the athletes you train?

Employing Olympic and powerlifting techniques, for instance, may allow you or your athlete to lift heavier weights, but could those very techniques have a negative impact on sports performance?

Maximum-Impact Barbell Training gives you a system to ensure you or your athletes always get the most game-day bang from your training buck. And a system that helps you avoid the many pitfalls that can set you up for failure rather than success.

A successful barbell training system hammers you on the basics of appropriate lifting technique—so your foundation is impeccable. But it doesn’t stop there. While you can go from mediocre to good by getting the basics right—you can only go to GREAT by being privy to the subtleties and in-the-trenches training secrets of the true masters of strength training.

The same methods that allow elite powerlifters to move massive weights may actually PREVENT you or your athlete from reaching maximum performance levels in his or her sport. The techniques that work best for a record-setting squat may not be optimal for an athlete who needs to run and jump. What mistakes might YOU be making in this regard? And what if instead you could discover the very best ways to prevent these undesirable adaptations? And what if your newfound knowledge led instead to record times on the track?

And this is the edge, the advantage you’ll get when you reward yourself with an immersion in the Maximum-Impact Barbell Training experience.

Yes, get the fundamentals for creating an effective barbell strength and conditioning program, so that the time you put in to training has the most powerful impact once you hit the field or court. But get so much more—and gain so much more for you and your athletes—when you absorb all Jeff O’Connor and Pavel will share about those advanced training strategies.

When a Team Signs an Impact Player—How Many More Wins Does He Bring to the Table? When You "Sign" a New, High-Impact, Proven Training System—How Many More Wins Could YOU Be Getting?


We all know that when a team signs a franchise quarterback, a future hall-of-famer pitcher or point guard, a star receiver, a world-class striker, a to-die-for hitter—then that one player can spark a team from paper-bag embarrassment to serious contender.

So too, when you "sign" on to a proven training system and absorb the game-winning strategies—it’s like instantly adding an extra touchdown, an extra goal, 20 more points, two more runs to your "team’s" final score…

And in the case of Maximum-Impact Barbell Training you could easily come away with the equivalent of two or more impact players…think about it…:

What could this small investment leverage into for your future success personally or for your athletes’ future success?

And what if you choose NOT to invest? How much could you be losing by NOT attending?

In fact, knowing this, can you really afford not to attend?

Choose wisely when your career or your athlete’s career is on the line: Work with strength training masters whose expertise can ADVANCE you, not DE-GRADE you!

Why It "Just Makes Sense" For You to Train Barbell
with Jeff and Pavel…


Now, you may be wondering: "surely this isn’t exactly rocket science. I’ve got the basics down already—even the advanced stuff—and I know what I’m doing. What more could there really be to learn?"

Or you might be wondering: "Well, what’s so different here from what I can pick up just as easily from any of the other the other barbell training programs out there?"

OK, you’re a HardStyle practitioner correct? Then you know the value to be had from the precision and depth of HardStyle principles.

The concepts of abdominal breathing, muscle irradiation and "wedging" oneself between the weight and the ground are not just for kettlebell lifting…they apply to the barbell too.

But do you know how to take these HardStyle skills and expertly apply them to barbell lifting?

Frankly, we wager not!

And who better to help you really GET "HardStyle Barbell" than Pavel—both the originator of HardStyle AND a barbell aficionado (remember the great barbell classic, Power to the People!?)—and Jeff, with his impeccable strongman credentials, his extensive history of training youth in barbells and his expertise as a Master RKC?

In other words, you are guaranteed to supercharge your HardSyle/RKC skills and knowledge by investing in the program. How could you not?

Then what about your clients? What are they up to behind your back—perhaps with other, less "enlightened" trainers? Could your clients be sabotaging their progress—or even hurting themselves badly—because YOU haven’t got the requisite skills and knowledge to coach them in proper HardStyle Barbell?

Why take the chance of messing up your clients—even losing them—because of this fatal gap in your own education?

They say that who you are as a person is the sum of the five people you spend the most time with. When you choose to spend time learning the art and skill of the barbell, then why not choose to associate yourself only with best-of-class?:

Jeff O’Connor, Master RKC, a two time Oklahoma’s Strongest Man and the 2001 winner of North America’s Strongest Man in the 275lb Division.

And Pavel Tsatsouline, the creator of the Russian Kettlebell Challenge and author of Power to the People, The Naked Warrior, and Beyond Bodybuilding will lead you through body mechanics and exercise techniques that will not only shorten the learning curve but also reduce the postural and structural adaptations that act as obstacles to elite sports athleticism.

Train Where the Champions Have Trained!


The 1968 United States Olympic Team included members of San Jose State’s "Speed City". You’ll spend time training in the same facility where such legends as Tommie Smith, John Carlos, Lee Evans and Ronnie Ray Smith honed the skills that brought home 22 Olympic medals, 12 gold, and eight world records. NFL players like Jeff Garcia, coaching legend Bill Walsh and great sports names like Venturi, Johnson, Berry, DeBerg, Vermeil, and Inkster have all called the Koret Center at Spartan Stadium home.

Get With the Program:

The Overhead Squat

A self-correcting exercise that will show whether or not the trainee has the requisite physical attributes for other barbell lifts.

The Deadlift

Learn the secrets of the "king of barbell lifts"—that sets the foundation for explosive movements such as the barbell clean and greater power generation.

Master grip and stance options.

Discover the best way to teach the deadlift progression.

The Front Squat

Want to pack on body armor and develop fist-breaking abs? Get that muscle-insurance here.

The Muscle Clean

This little-understood progression ensures a perfect deadlift pattern—which means bigger lifts, which means stronger muscle...

The Power Clean

Discover how this common mistake robs the hips of their power generation—and know what you need to do to max it…

The Press

I coulda been a contender!" How many dreams of glory have been shattered by shoulder injuries? Thy name is legion! Discover how to press with power and control—for a shot at your dreams.

The Jerk

Discover how to milk the Jerk for all its explosive worth—to your opponents’ great dismay…

The Power Snatch

So you think your current Snatch is pretty cool, huh? Prepare to be humbled. The Power Snatch takes the kettlebell snatch to an entirely different, elite level. Learn this, do this—and separate yourself from mere mortals…

Then put the system together with:

Combinations, Chains and Complexes that reinforce your mechanics and leverage the drills into a final winning package—ready for game-day like you’ve never been before.

To sum it up: like the RKC, Maximum-Impact Barbell Training is designed to teach safe and effective lifting techniques that have THE greatest carryover for you and your clients or students. This course takes training secrets from a variety of sports while eliminating non-desirable adaptations, supporting the RKC’s principle of general athleticism.

The RKC introduced you to the best, most proven method of kettlebell lifting. Let Maximum-Impact Barbell Training open the door to mastering the skills necessary for real success in your programs.

Maximum-Impact Barbell Training  

San Jose, California

Saturday, July 21—Sunday, July 22, 2012 

Saturday: 8:30 a.m. - 6:30 p.m.
Sunday: 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.

RKC Level One and Level Two Recertification Opportunity, Friday, July 20, 2012, 7:30pm-9:30pm 


Register on-line or call 1-800-899-5111 for credit card orders.

Mail check to Dragon Door Publications, 5 East County Rd B, #3, 
Little Canada, MN 55117

Tuition: $595.00

$100 fee for cancellations or transfers, no exceptions.

No refunds on cancellations after July 12, 2012

Workshop Code # WOP01

Workshop reference: Maximum-Impact Barbell Training

Register now for the Russian Kettlebell Certification Seminar Friday September 9 - Sunday September 11, 2011
  • Excellent Early-Bird Registration Discount: Register and pay by April 20, 2012, fee is only $495.00 (Save $100.00)

    Excellent Early-Bird Registration Discount:
    Register and pay by October 21, 2011, fee is only $1,795.00 (Save $400.00)


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