Neuro-Mass Is Nearly Here
By Jon Bruney
Further Secrets About The System Revealed…

Hey, it’s Jon Bruney here again.
In the first article I shared with you this week, I told you what I think the 5 BIGGEST MISTAKES are that most hard training individuals make in the gym.
Then, in the second article I introduced you to the concept of a Neuro-Set – the style of training I use to help Olympians, NFL athletes, MMA fighters and far less accomplished athletes to:
- Build muscle
- Increase maximal STRENGTH
- Develop speed and power
- Drop body-fat
And what I’m here to tell you is that ALL of those attributes can be developed VERY QUICKLY in just 3 or 4 45-60 minute resistance training sessions per week.
The idea that you can only be muscular, or only be strong, or only have good conditioning is DEAD. You really can have it all. And my Neuro-Mass system will make you ‘a believer’ in what I’m saying.
Now don’t get me wrong…
I’m not suggesting that you will develop world class endurance and have world class strength. Clearly that’d be nonsense.
But what I am saying is that you can develop very impressive levels of muscle mass, strength, speed, power and endurance, without having to train all day, every day like a professional athlete does.
All It Takes Is 3 Training Sessions A Week and Some Hard Work…
My Neuro-Mass training system will call for you to train 3 times a week (4 if you prefer) for just 45-60 minutes at a time.
These are fairly short, very intense resistance training sessions.
And using my proven Neuro-Sets and exercises that use just your body-weight and Kettlebells—you’ll find that you can progress week in week out, year in year out.
Neuro-Mass isn’t a 6 or 8 week training program that you milk dry and then never perform again. It’s a training system that can be constantly changed over time, so that progress is continuous.
You see, in Neuro-Mass—the book that explains my training system—I’m going to give you COUNTLESS exercises for training EVERY part of your body.
And I’m also going to show you how to match up the exercises to
create the fastest muscle mass, strength, speed, power and endurance gains possible.
And the
Neuro-Mass book doesn’t just focus on resistance training.
It’ll also teach you
powerful recovery techniques and techniques for mentally preparing for hard resistance training sessions.
Here’s an example of what I’m talking about:
Neuro-Focus Exercise…
This exercise will help you to clear your mind of distractions and prepare you to focus on your workout. If you’re self-conscious about doing it in the gym—do it in the car when you pull up in the gym parking lot.
This Neuro-Focus exercise is called ‘Numbers Quick Count.’
Here’s what you do:
- Count out loud from 0 to 150 as quickly as possible
Rapid out loud counting has been shown to increase activity and blood flow in the prefrontal cortex.
Try it before your next workout and prepare to be dialled in like never before. It’s very simple and very effective.
I know Neuro-Mass can make you BIGGER, STRONGER and FASTER.
When you’ve got the system and put it into practice – please do share your success story with me. I’d love to hear from you!
You can reach me at
Train hard,
Jon Bruney