6-Week Shoulder Shock Ladder and Swing Volume Plan
Jay Armstrong, RKC TL
May 5, 2009 08:00 AM
A few months ago I put my students through a 6-week program. This program focuses specifically on the military press and swing volume. Each of the students that went through the program showed significant improvement. Of course, the press portion is taken straight from your
Beyond Bodybuilding plan.
This plan incorporates ladders along with the "waviness" training principle to train military presses and ramp up the swing volume over a 6-week period. This plan assumes the athlete is training 3 days per week.
Firstly, it is necessary to determine the weight to be used for the presses. You may use a different weight for the swings. Choose a weight for the swings that you can swing with one hand for 10 reps min. For the military press, it should be the heaviest weight that you can press for 5 reps.
The military presses are performed as follows:
- Clean and press the weight with your left hand once. Change hands. Clean and press the weight with your right hand once.
- Put the weight down. Wait while your partner (who may be imaginary) does the same drill.
- Clean and press the weight 2 times with your left hand (cleaning the bell each time). Change hands. Clean and press the bell 2 times with your right hand.
- Put the weight down. Wait while your partner does the drill.
- Repeat for the prescribed number of reps.
- Rest as long as possible between sets.
The swings are performed as follows: When the second hand reaches 12, begin swinging for the required number of reps. Then you may rest. When the second hand reaches 12 again, begin swinging again. All swings should be to the point where the arm is parallel to the floor at the top of the swing. Forcefully exhale at the top of each swing and tighten your abs.
Week 1
Monday: | Test Military Press for appropriate weight for ladders 13 swings per minute for 10 minutes = 130 swings (approx 2:1 rest/work ratio) |
Wednesday: | 1+2+3 Military Press Ladders, 5 sets = 30 reps each side 15 swings per minute for 10 minutes = 150 swings (approx 1.5:1 rest/work ratio) |
Friday: | 1+2+3 Military Press Ladders, 6 sets = 36 reps each side 18 swings per minute for 10 minutes = 180 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Week 2
Monday: | 1+2+3 Military Press Ladders, 7 sets = 42 reps each side 18 swings per minute for 12 minutes = 216 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Wednesday: | 1+2+3 Military Press Ladders, 8 sets = 48 reps each side 18 swings per minute for 14 minutes = 252 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Friday: | 1+2+3 Military Press Ladders, 9 sets = 54 reps each side 0 swings |
Week 3
Monday: | 1+2+3 Military Press Ladders, 10 sets = 60 reps each side 16 swings per minute for 8 minutes = 128 swings (approx 1.5:1 rest/work ratio) |
Wednesday: | 0 Military Presses 19 swings per minute for 10 minutes = 190 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Friday: | 1+2+3+4 Military Press Ladders, 3 sets = 30 reps each side 19 swings per minute for 12 minutes = 228 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Week 4
Monday: | 1+2+3+4 Military Press Ladders, 4 sets = 40 reps each side 19 swings per minute for 14 minutes = 266 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Wednesday: | 1+2+3+4 Military Press Ladders, 5 sets = 50 reps each side 0 swings |
Friday: | 1+2+3+4 Military Press Ladders, 6 sets = 60 reps each side 16 swings per minute for 8 minutes = 128 swings (approx 1.5:1 rest/work ratio) |
Week 5
Monday: | 0 Military Presses 19 swings per minute for 14 minutes = 266 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Wednesday: | 1+2+3+4+5 Military Press Ladders, 2 sets = 30 reps each side 19 swings per minute for 16 minutes = 304 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Friday: | 1+2+3+4+5 Military Press Ladders, 3 sets = 45 reps each side 0 Swings |
Week 6
Monday: | 1+2+3+4+5 Military Press Ladders, 4 sets = 60 reps each side 20 swings per minute for 10 minutes = 200 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Wednesday: | 0 Military Presses 20 swings per minute for 20 minutes = 400 swings (approx 1:1 rest/work ratio) |
Friday: | Test your pressing capability for improvement! |
Military Presses | Swings |
0 | 130 |
30 | 150 |
36 | 180 |
42 | 216 |
48 | 252 |
54 | 0 |
60 | 128 |
0 | 190 |
30 | 228 |
40 | 266 |
50 | 0 |
60 | 128 |
0 | 266 |
30 | 304 |
45 | 0 |
60 | 200 |
0 | 400 |
Jay Armstrong is an RKC Team Leader. He holds a rank of 5th degree black belt from The World Tae Kwon Do Federation. Together with David Cogswell, RKC they founded The Kettlebell Club near Houston, Texas in 2005. The Kettlebell Club holds instructional workshops and offers daily group kettlebell workouts.
Contact Info:
Jay Armstrong
The Kettlebell Club
629 Hwy 3 South
League City, TX 77573